Stepping up for equal pay
SPONSORED: The IEU continues its fight for equal pay for early childhood teachers this Saturday at its conference Stepping Up for Equal Pay, which reinforces the message that early childhood teachers deserve a pay rise.
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Keynote speaker and co-author of the seminal COAG report Lifting Our Game Susan Pascoe will reinforce her findings that investment in early childhood education is crucial for the future of Australia.
IEU Industrial Officer Michael Wright will outline where the IEU is with its ground breaking equal pay case at the Fair Work Commission.
Despite having the same degree as school teachers, first year preschool teachers earn on average $15,000 less per annum than primary teachers. After nine years the difference can be around $32,000 per annum.
The union’s case calls for the Commission to compare pay rates for early childhood teachers with male primary teachers and male engineers.
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education Kate Washington will speak about the ALP’s position on early childhood.
“The IEU’s conference is a significant part of its campaign to raise awareness of the need for improvements to pay and conditions in the early childhood sector,” Conference Convenor Lisa James said.
“It gives early childhood members an opportunity to network and strengthen their voice in the community.”