David is has worked as a teacher, Principal, leader in the not-for-profit sector and senior public servant. His most recent positions were as Deputy Director General of the Department of Culture and the Arts, Director, Strategic Issues in the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Executive Director for the Office of Early Childhood Development and Learning and of relevance to this tender, Director Participation for the Department of Education with responsibility the Raising of the School Leaving Age in Western Australia. He has worked and studied in the United Kingdom. During his career David has developed significant expertise in the areas of vocational education and training, education programs for at risk students, early childhood services and public sector management.
David has an Executive Masters of Public Administration through the Australian New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) and holds a Master’s of Philosophy from Cambridge University with a focus on school reform. Prior to this he completed under-graduate degree in Physical Education and a postgraduate degree in Health Science. He has continued to work in the United Kingdom with a focus on innovation in public services and supporting schools that serve low socio-economic communities.